Mittwoch, 27. April 2016

New Mall ready

Good morning,

i have the Mall ready building. We have from Plumtree, Dollies, DaisyMay wounderful Designs

The Motherday Hunt is starting on Great Canadian Grid.

Have a nice day
Hillie Dyrssen


Donnerstag, 14. April 2016

Sofiel is ready a Dark Engel

 She comes with Mesh Hands & Mesh Feet
Skin & Tattoo Layers
                       Optional can you from Monentes Eyebrown diamant and earrings buy.
       ( Thank you Marianna for doing this special for Sofiel)


Thank you
Hillie Dyrssen

Sonntag, 3. April 2016

Fantasy Skin Hiedra ready

Fantasy Skin Hiedra ready!

She comes with many Tattoo Make Up Layers


Thank you
Hillie Dyrssen

Lorena Skin with Tattoo Layers


today  is Lorena Skin Ready!

She comes with Tattoo Layers Make Ups


Thank you
Hillie Dyrssen