Montag, 31. Juli 2017

Sansar Pictures

Here one pictures from Sansar, we can yet posting:-)

Here is the Location:


Hello all,
today i become the news. Starting today, anyone can sign up for free at, create their own social VR experiences, and enjoy those others have shared. With the opening of beta, you can now share the links to your experiences to bring audiences into your creations!

I will send here the Link to my Creation and pictures make. See you later, when you like.

When i have more news, i will here info give.


Sonntag, 23. Juli 2017

Hello, i have today a ATM build:-)
Laura Mesh Head with blink eyes are ready.
Have a nice week
Hillie Dyrssen

Samstag, 22. Juli 2017

Good News

           Hello i have good News

                        I have on my Grid HD Skin World, Gloebit, yet, you can all with Gloebit buy, when you like.

Have all a great weekend

Hillie Dyrssen